
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Truth Anchor (Truth Is)
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Truth Is
This episode Herdyne Mercier, LCSW will introduce to you the first anchor she believes will be the foundation of Redefining Grief. This Truth Anchor will definitely help you realize that redefining grief is a pivotal anchor in helping you understand that grief is a normal and natural reaction to any loss. The purpose for this podcast is to address the ways people grieve as well as how you can support grievers.
The Redefining Grief Podcast is designed to educate and empower grievers and those who are supporting grievers. As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Grief Specialist, Herdyne Mercier provides practical advice with a clear understanding of grief as well as necessary action steps for grief recovery. While life is not perfect, it still must be lived. Therefore, it is necessary to have the emotional tools to help us navigate the grief and losses we are sure to encounter. Episodes are released weekly on Tuesday mornings.
For questions about booking or sponsoring the podcast, email us at info@mercierwellness.com.
If you’d like to schedule a consultation, contact us at the link below.
Find us on social media:
#RedefiningGrief #MercierWellness

Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
My Story. My Purpose.
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
My Story, My Purpose
Episode Introduction:
"If you do not deal with grief, the grief will deal with you"- Herdyne Mercier
Have you had childhood experiences that changed your life forever? Most of us quite have. Back when I was a kid, I found funerals to be a very difficult time for people. I could see church members not crying, individuals trying to stop whoever cried and giving them lessons. I wanted to keep going back to funerals because, indirectly, though, I was creating the don't-do lists inside my mind, making myself aware of all that brought you to that state of pain.
Somewhere down the lane, I realized I had to keep going back to this. I share with you today how the seed of helping others going through pain was planted in my mind. Listen in!
My life's purpose is not to be perfect, not to have all the answers but to walk on water by living in faith.
The Redefining Grief Podcast is designed to educate and empower grievers and those who are supporting grievers. As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Grief Specialist, Herdyne Mercier provides practical advice with a clear understanding of grief and necessary action steps for grief recovery. While life is not perfect, it still must be lived. Therefore, it is necessary to have the emotional tools to help us navigate the grief and losses we are sure to encounter.
This episode is brought to you by our supportive, informative, and complimentary Grief Crusader Community. Join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GriefCrusader
Recommended Resources
- To learn more about Redefining Grief: http://herdynemercier.com
- To advertise on the podcast: herdyne@mercierwellness.com
- For questions about booking or sponsoring the podcast: info@mercierwellness.com
- To schedule a consultation: https://calendly.com/mercier-wellness/consultation or http://herdynemercier.com/contact-me/
- To check out all our past episodes: http://herdynemercier.com/#podcast
Social Media
Podcast Hashtag: #RedefiningGrief #TheChiefGriefCrusader #HerdyneMercier #MercierWellness #Grief
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/herdynemercier/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HERDYNEMERCIER
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/herdynemercierlcsw
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/herdyne
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/herdyne-mercier-lcsw-chief-grief-crusader-6050aa72/

Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Lies Told About Grief
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Lies Told About Grief
Episode Introduction:
Whatever the cause of your grief may be, our society has never taught us how to reply to people who are hurting, what to say when people are hurting. Acknowledging the hurt is often never done.
We have all come across statements like “Time Heals”, “Just give it time”, and the like. Do you not think it is easier said than done?
If you have also believed that showing no sign of weakness should be the goal of a griever, it’s time you give your thoughts a makeover. Know that it is okay to grieve, to express what you feel.
Today, let’s bring the change by correcting our present and not blaming the generation before us. Listen to the keys to starting this revolutionary change, as I share them with you today-
- Start feeling your emotions.
- Stop replacing the loss with unhealthy activities.
- Grieve in a community and not alone.
- Stop putting a timeframe on your grief experience.
- Stop believing that you must be strong for yourself, your children, or anyone in the community. What you really need to do for the community is show up, unapologetically.
- Be still, pause, give yourself the time to grieve.
Episode Quotes
- “Society has not taught us how to reply to people who are hurting, what to say when people are hurting.” - Herdyne [03:00]
- “I believe we teach people what we know to do, by what we're taught and told, so no judgment on the generation before us.” - Herdyne [04:55]
- “Your past experience and emotions become your reality of how you will present yourself to the world.” - Herdyne [05:41]
- “If you look for perfection, you will never be content. ”- Herdyne [07:45]
This episode is brought to you by our supportive, informative, and complimentary Grief Crusader Community. Join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GriefCrusader
Recommended Resources
- To learn more about Redefining Grief: http://herdynemercier.com
- To advertise on the podcast: herdyne@mercierwellness.com
- For questions about booking or sponsoring the podcast: info@mercierwellness.com
- To schedule a consultation: https://calendly.com/mercier-wellness/consultation or http://herdynemercier.com/contact-me/
- To check out all our past episodes: http://herdynemercier.com/#podcast
Social Media
Podcast Hashtag: #RedefiningGrief #TheChiefGriefCrusader #HerdyneMercier #MercierWellness #Grief
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/herdynemercier/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HERDYNEMERCIER
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/herdynemercierlcsw
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/herdyne
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/herdyne-mercier-lcsw-chief-grief-crusader-6050aa72/

Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Welcome to Redefining Grief
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Welcome to Redefining Grief
Episode Introduction:
“Unresolved grief is the root of why you’re not emotionally healthy.” - Herdyne Mercier
Welcome to The Redefining Grief Podcast. This is the place where I help you complete your relationship to the pain, isolation, and loneliness caused by loss.
Many of us do not understand that grief is a natural and normal process that accompanies any negative happening. Learning that in our society we have not been taught how to deal with grief or support those individuals who are grieving, I decided to redefine our journey through grief.
According to John W. James, “We are taught how to gain things but never taught what do when we lose them”. My mission is for this podcast is to address the ways people grieve as well as how you can support grievers.
The Redefining Grief Podcast is designed to educate and empower grievers and those who are supporting grievers. As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Grief Specialist, I provide practical advice with necessary action steps for grief recovery.
I want you to remember today that though life is not perfect, it still must be lived. Join me every Tuesday as I help you navigate through the grief and losses you are to encounter in life!
This episode is brought to you by our supportive, informative, and complimentary Grief Crusader Community. Join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GriefCrusader
Recommended Resources
- To learn more about Redefining Grief: http://herdynemercier.com
- To advertise on the podcast: herdyne@mercierwellness.com
- For questions about booking or sponsoring the podcast: info@mercierwellness.com
- To schedule a consultation: https://calendly.com/mercier-wellness/consultation or http://herdynemercier.com/contact-me/
- To check out all our past episodes: http://herdynemercier.com/#podcast
Social Media
Podcast Hashtag: #RedefiningGrief #TheChiefGriefCrusader #HerdyneMercier #MercierWellness #Grief
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/herdynemercier/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HERDYNEMERCIER
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/herdynemercierlcsw
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/herdyne
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/herdyne-mercier-lcsw-chief-grief-crusader-6050aa72/