
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Patrice Washington - Redefining Wealth
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Patrice Washington - Redefining Wealth
Episode Introduction
This is a special episode of the Redefining Grief Podcast. Our guest today is my dearest friend and personal business coach, Patrice Washington. She is a professional finance expert, America's money Maven turned holistic lifestyle innovator, award-winning author, and host of the Redefining Wealth podcast. She has used her podcast to teach millions of people that wealth is much more than money and not materialistic things. And I'm one of those individuals that she has taught that to.
If passion is about what energizes you, and purpose is what defines how you serve others. Why are money, influence, prestige, and notoriety not important things to consider in life? Patrice explains why she doesn't think there is anything wrong with considering them essential.
She also explains what the truth about her journey has been for her. She believes God is calling her to teach the women that she serves that this journey doesn't have to have all this stress, struggle, and strife, that if we are indeed in alignment, there are so many things that we will be attracted to. She believes the Lord is teaching her how to be still.
Patrice has, for years, tried to earn her family's love. She has always wanted to earn their affection. Growing up feeling really ugly about her appearance, she felt really unloved and
unworthy, was teased in school for all the things, and always thought that she needed to earn love, so she became addicted to achievement.
This brought her to get a real estate license at 19 and become a broker at 21, and though all this sounds great on paper, they were not done from a place of just being purpose-driven. It wasn't until she started therapy at 22 and started to work through those things she began to dig into her purpose. There was a lot of unlearning and undoing, healing, and forgiveness, and it took her to reach a point of stillness and forgive everyone who never even asked for it.
Patrice says, if you don't heal, whatever the grief and the trauma is, there's no separating, that. If things linger unresolved, there's no active healing going on. They are going to deal with you. And it is better to be proactive in dealing with them than reactive.
Patrice also talks about the importance of showing up confidently in whatever you do. She explains how you start feeling very differently about yourself by sharing how she could forgive others and live a better life that way.
As she rightly shares today, at a certain point, as your purpose starts to evolve, you realize that every opportunity that comes is not for you. Listen in to experience the magnitude of Patrice's words for yourself!
About Our Guest
Patrice Washington is a professional finance expert, America's money Maven turned holistic lifestyle innovator, award winning author, and host of the Redefining Wealth podcast.
She shares with her listeners on the podcast, the many stories, principles, and practical examples, based on her six pillars of wealth. She guides you step by step through the
process to create a life of peace, purpose, and prosperity. Patrice’s thoughts on wealth and purpose are truly unparalleled and is wisdom that needs to be shared.
Episode Quotes
● “I want the women I serve to understand and then that's why I say we chase purpose, not money.” - Patrice [9:56]
● “I realized that at a certain point, as your purpose starts to evolve, every opportunity that comes is not for you.” - Patrice [14:09]
● “In order for us to get to a place where we are actively healing, we have to commit to being uncomfortable.“ - Herdyne [19:30]
● “I believe that I'm learning to truly detach from what the world would see as, quote, unquote, success.” - Patrice [20:08]
● “Just because you learn how to surrender something on one level, doesn't mean you've learned how to surrender in other areas of your life ”- Patrice [22:53]
● “If there are things that are lingering, unresolved, there's no active healing going on. They are going to deal with you. And I'd rather be proactive in dealing with them than reactive”- Patrice [33:40]
Redefining Grief Pearls of Wisdom, P.O.W., Questions
● What have you learned about yourself since redefining your grief journey? [50:02]
Keep defining wealth for yourself.
● If today was your last day on earth, and you were granted five words or less? What would it be? [50:36]
Since redefining the grief in my life, there was nothing wrong with me to begin with.
● During your hard times, what's that one song that just gets you through? [52:20]
Speak to my heart by Donnie McClurkin
Episode Time-Stamps
● [09:31] - Patrice shares why she does what she does
● [12:21] - The importance of being still
● [13:28] - What purpose really means to her
● [20:08] - Learning to detach from the world
● [24:27] - Why faith, obedience, and trust are your key driving factors
● [31:23] - Patrice shares her backstory with us and how it all started
Reference Links
● YouTube link to Patrice’s favorite song:
1. Speak to my heart by Donnie McClurkin:
● Book:
1. Redefining Wealth for Yourself by Patrice Washington
Connect with Patrice
● Website: https://patricewashington.com/
● LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/patricecunninghamwashington
● Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/seekwisdompcw
● Facebook: http://facebook.com/SeekWisdomPCW
This episode is brought to you by our supportive, informative, and complimentary Grief Crusader Community. Join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GriefCrusader
Recommended Resources
● To learn more about Redefining Grief: http://herdynemercier.com
● To advertise on the podcast: herdyne@mercierwellness.com
● For questions about booking or sponsoring the podcast: info@mercierwellness.com
● To schedule a consultation: https://calendly.com/mercier-wellness/consultation or http://herdynemercier.com/contact-me/●
To check out all our past episodes: http://herdynemercier.com/#podcast
Social Media
Podcast Hashtag: #RedefiningGrief #TheChiefGriefCrusader #HerdyneMercier
#MercierWellness #Grief
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/herdynemercier/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HERDYNEMERCIER
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/herdynemercierlcsw
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/herdyne

Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Valerie Johnson-Reed:Triumph Over Tragedy
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Valerie Johnson-Reed: Triumph Over Tragedy
Episode Introduction
What if you learned someday that your name symbolized what you will go through and how you will handle life? Some learnings could be just as incredible. Often, we have to not say anything at all, for it is not about saying something; it is about being there.
Join me on this episode of the Redefining Grief podcast as I interview a mindful and strong woman and my dear friend, Valerie Johnson-Reed. Valerie's moving journey in life is a ray of sunshine for anyone who wishes to declutter from the infinite hardships in life and feel heard.
Her journey through grief started when her only sibling, her brother, passed away after suddenly being diagnosed with a tumor on his back that left him paralyzed from the waist down and then from there, ending up having a blood clot traveled to the lungs. And then her mother, who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer before her brother passed away, died. Giving her very little time to recover, life threw upon her another mishap. After celebrating 15 years of marriage with her husband, he was diagnosed with a rare form of soft tissue cancer. He passed away in the October of 2012.
The compounding loss left Valerie with a surreal feeling, and she didn't know how to get things done. It took a lot of God's grace and mercy and angels watching over her, she says, that she was able to get me where she is today. She also makes us understand why sometimes, you're not emotionally available to grieve during the service because you have the pressure of just making sure that everything goes right for your loved one. When her husband passed away, she had her children to look after and give strength to, and breaking down in front of them was never an option for her. She battled through it alone until finally making the move to ask for help.
Valerie recollects all that played the hardest for her. She was used to her husband getting things done for her, and his absence left her tormented. She knew not where to start and how to do all that he had been doing for her all this time. She shares how the strongest connection with God gave her the strength to endure the most challenging times and keep moving.
Voicing your emotions and speaking the truth is crucial to your journey to recovery. There is always someone who needs to hear what you have to deliver. Sometimes, you don't need to save those who grieve. You just have to be there to listen. Listen in and learn how Valerie's learnings could pave the way for your healing too!
About Our Guest
Valerie Johnson-Reed is a mother, author and motivational speaker. She started with Strong To The Finish Motivational Speaking, to create a positive place to talk about the hardness that life can bring. Realizing she needed to share her story with the others to give them hope, she wrote three books, ’ Through Micah's Eyes’, ‘Grieving under God's Grace’, and ‘Stay Strong, Finish Strong’. Having known grief and its immeasurable depth, Valerie’s words are invaluable wisdom to overcome life challenges and still emerge out of them victorious.
Episode Quotes
● “I remember certain things about the service, but I don't remember truly engaging in the service.” - Valerie [10:34]
● “They are in the business of making sure the funeral and the service goes right. And they're not in the business of emotionally being vulnerable, to be present, to grieve.” - Herdyne [13:13]
● “Once I started talking about it, I started feeling better. And then other people started coming saying you know what, I know somebody that needs to hear this.“ - Valerie [19:31]
● “When you go through what your life situations, having what we call grief, no matter what that grief may be, you empower yourself and you educate yourself.” - Herdyne [20:37]
● “Sometimes we have to not say anything at all. It's not about saying something, it's about being there. “ - Valerie [22:14]
● “People cannot support us when they are emotionally unavailable, because supporting us sometimes mean for them that they have to deal with the reality of the truth that is currently happening.” - Herdyne [26:30]
Redefining Grief Pearls of Wisdom, P.O.W., Questions
● What have you learned about yourself since redefining your grief journey? [42:30]
I have learned that there are times when I do need help. And then, I need to ask.
● If today was your last day on earth, and you were granted five words or less? What would it be? [43:36]
Enjoy life. Live. Be present.
● During your hard times, what's that one song that just gets you through? [45:02]
Breathing to me oh Lord by Fred Hammond and one by Marvin Sapp, ‘Not the time, Not the place’.
Episode Time-Stamps
● [05:11] - Valerie shares her grief journey with us
● [14:47] - How did the healing process look like for Valerie?
● [18:53] - Learn why the truth anchor is real
● [21:14] - Educating oneself on what to say
● [29:10] - You’re not alone
● [31:27] - What it was like putting the pieces back together and the emotional part of it
Reference Links
● YouTube link to Valerie’s favorite songs:
1. Breathe Into Me Oh Lord by Fred Hammond:
2. Not the time, Not the place by Marvin Sapp:
● Books by Valerie:
1. Through Micah's Eyes
2. Grieving under God's Grace
3. Stay Strong, Finish Strong!
Connect with Valerie
● Website: https://strongtothefinishmotivationals.com/
● Email: strongtothefinish4@gmail.com
● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/strongtothe/
● Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/strongtothefinishmotivational/
This episode is brought to you by our supportive, informative, and complimentary Grief
Crusader Community. Join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GriefCrusader
Recommended Resources
● To learn more about Redefining Grief: http://herdynemercier.com
● To advertise on the podcast: herdyne@mercierwellness.com
● For questions about booking or sponsoring the podcast: info@mercierwellness.com
● To schedule a consultation: https://calendly.com/mercier-wellness/consultation or
● To check out all our past episodes: http://herdynemercier.com/#podcast
Social Media
Podcast Hashtag: #RedefiningGrief #TheChiefGriefCrusader #HerdyneMercier
#MercierWellness #Grief
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/herdynemercier/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HERDYNEMERCIER
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/herdynemercierlcsw
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/herdyne

Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Latrese Kabuya: Overcoming The Odds
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Latrese Kabuya: Overcoming The Odds
Episode Introduction
Any pain that you bury inside would keep resurfacing until you deal with it the way you're supposed to. Do you wish to come out of all that is eating up your mental space?
Whatever it is that you're going through right now emotionally, I want to tell you that you're going to feel pumped and ready to overcome it. Get ready to tackle it with confidence and grace as my guest today shows you how she did it right.
Join me on this episode of the Redefining Grief podcast as I speak with the powerful Latrese Kabuya, who shares how she's had to actively get to a place where she had to tell the truth to overcome the pain she was burdened with. Learn about the moving journey Latrese had in life and how truth and faith had her come out of the many challenges she was hit with, in life.
It wouldn't be difficult to realize that Latrese was overwhelmed with the challenges that came her way. Years back, Latrese had lost her oldest child, oldest sister, had faced a rough divorce, and was a single mother. Added to this, she was looked upon for her body figure and had also faced molestation. She felt disconnected from God, her belief system was shattered. When things like "If you cry, that means you don't have faith in God", "God took her because he needed an angel", "You're tough, you'll be okay" burdened her even more.
She did not grieve; until 20 years later, when she cried herself out through the misery— Latrese recollects how this started her healing process. When you don't face it, it keeps manifesting in very stressful ways. She put her faith in God only to realize she was blessed. However hard life could get, he had his presence over her and loved her no matter what. Latrese also shares how she made her way out of her divorce from her ex-husband and how eventually, she found love in her husband today.
Connecting strongly with God not only helped her heal herself but had her discover and redefine herself in unimaginable ways. She got the strength to endure and never quit. When she changed her mindset about her purpose, her value increased.
Sometimes, what you require is to pause and introspect. If Latrese could find her purpose in life, it was because she faced and told the truth. The Truth anchor is real. Listen in and learn how this conversation could resonate with you too!
About Our Guest
Latrese Kabuya is a recognized empowerment speaker, coach, makeup artist, beauty consultant, and media personality. She is the Founder of Let's Get P.R.E.T.T.Y.™, a company dedicated to bringing in a complete lineup of cruelty-free makeup, and It's All About You™, an Empowerment Seminar for young girls. Latrese’s primary passion for uplifting and encouraging others is achieved through her empowerment coaching. Her motivational speaking is frequently sought-after and featured on her Monday Motivation radio segment, Men and Women’s Wellness seminars, editorials for The RealKC & SheKC Lifestyle, beauty clinics, and more. Her journey not only moves anyone listening but also inspires them to make the best out of the gift of life!
Episode Quotes
- “If you don't deal with it, it's gonna manifest, it's gonna keep coming up.” - Latrese [11:09]
- “Oftentimes, I really do believe that we get so caught up in the business of life, in the business of what people told us how we should heal, that we don't even realize that we're being stagnant emotionally.” - Herdyne [12:43]
- “I allow myself I give myself permission to deal with the emotion that is attached to it.” - Latrese [15:13]
- “When I started getting a hold of the Word of God and it started resonating in my spirit, that's how I started healing from the inside out. “ - Latrese [25:28]
- “What's so interesting about my past is because I always dealt with insecurities and issues and self-esteem. But I was this makeup artist, you know. And so I was always making people pretty on the outside. “ Latrese [21:07]
Redefining Grief Pearls of Wisdom, P.O.W., Questions
- What have you learned about yourself since redefining your grief journey? [37:36]
That I'm powerful, that I have value and purpose. And that I am an overcomer. I went against all odds.
- If today was your last day on earth, and you were granted five words or less? What would it be? [38:04]
Live your life on purpose.
- During your hard times, what's that one song that just gets you through? [38:44]
The Story I’ll Tell by Maverick City. Because it's talking about overcoming. It's talking about who God is in your life.
Episode Time-Stamps
- [08:33] - Latrese’s thoughts on overcoming challenges
- [15:59] - How did healing from the inside out, look like for Latrese
- [19:33] - Dealing with divorce and how she came out of it
- [23:34] - About Latrese’s company
- [24:56] - How faith had her heal and redefine herself
- [29:08] - Latrese talks about knowing her husband
Reference Links
- YouTube link to Latrese’s favorite song (The Story I’ll Tell by Maverick City): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjY26wzFm2U
Connect with Latrese
- Website: https://www.latresekabuya.com/
- Email: info@latresekabuya.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tresekabuya/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tresekabuya/
This episode is brought to you by our supportive, informative, and complimentary Grief Crusader Community. Join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GriefCrusader
Recommended Resources
- To learn more about Redefining Grief: http://herdynemercier.com
- To advertise on the podcast: herdyne@mercierwellness.com
- For questions about booking or sponsoring the podcast: info@mercierwellness.com
- To schedule a consultation: https://calendly.com/mercier-wellness/consultation or http://herdynemercier.com/contact-me/
- To check out all our past episodes: http://herdynemercier.com/#podcast
Social Media
Podcast Hashtag: #RedefiningGrief #TheChiefGriefCrusader #HerdyneMercier #MercierWellness #Grief
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/herdynemercier/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HERDYNEMERCIER
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/herdynemercierlcsw
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/herdyne
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/herdyne-mercier-lcsw-chief-grief-crusader-6050aa72/

Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Whitney West: Grieving The Life You Had
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Whitney West: Grieving The Life You Had
Episode Introduction
Sometimes, life gets awfully messy and unpredictable en route to reaching your goals. Recentering yourself and accepting the changes that you are to undergo could be overwhelming. But remember, those are the times that actually trick you into discovering what you are truly capable of!
Have you been wanting to battle your way out through challenges to living the life you have always wanted to? The keys to your happiness and fulfillment often lie in your insides. Take a moment to listen in to this insightful conversation today with the incredibly inspiring Whitney West, who shares her powerful journey of finding light in the darkest times of her illness and discusses how truth and acceptance are her ultimate superpowers!
About Our Guest
Whitney West is a success strategist, coach, speaker, and the face of her brand The Whitney West. Her mission is to help chronically ill women strategize ways to redesign their lives and successfully overcome obstacles that prevent them from living abundantly despite their diagnoses.
She offers one on one coaching, group coaching, and speaking and has also created a community for black women with chronic illnesses on Facebook called Sistas with Chronic Illnesses. This community is a safe space for black women to discuss the struggles they go through with their chronic illnesses that are unique to our population.
Episode Summary
- Whitney West was diagnosed with a rare chronic illness that depleted her body of the required oxygen levels severely. She was alone, frustrated, and depressed. Managing her everyday work was inexplicably draining, both physically and mentally.
- She shares how she was fortunate to have found a good listener in her doctor, who helped her realize, accept and face the challenges that came her way.
- Whitney shares how she stepped on to relearning herself and how the death of her close friend who was battling a chronic illness herself, changed her in deeper ways. Whitney’s friend passed away doing what she really loved to. She realized that there is no perfect time to do what you have to do.
- We learn the importance of advocating for yourself by asking for help when you actually require it.
Episode Quotes
- “People do not understand that their healing is in their hands, the moment they have an awareness of what is going on.”- Herdyne
- “Anytime you ignore something, you're gonna run right into it.”- Whitney
- “I didn't want to be stagnant. I didn't want to stay the same.”- Whitney
- “I strongly believe if you really want to get to a place where you're at restoration, where you feel hold, and you feel like you can, whatever you face, you can move forward in faith, you first got to tell the truth.”- Herdyne
- “What comes with truth is freedom. Freedom for you to be yourself, freedom for you to show up. And freedom to realize who was really in your corner.”- Herdyne
- “It's harder to convince somebody that they can live a life of abundance and happiness if they haven't even begun to get on that journey.”- Whitney
Redefining Grief Pearls of Wisdom, P.O.W., Questions
- What have you learned about yourself since redefining the grief? [43:04]
That I am resilient. I always can find the light. It's like no matter how dark things get, I'll always bounce back.
- If today was your last day on earth, and you have the opportunity to say five words or less, what would those words be? [44:04]
Life is generous. It's just like the sky is beautiful today. Despite everything else, those small moments and just being thankful for having experienced such beautiful things, I would just say life is just life.
- During your dark times, was there a song that got you through? If so, what is that song? [45:33]
I Love The Lord by Whitney Houston. That song is very touching for me.
Episode Time-Stamps
- [04:54]- Whitney shares her journey
- [14:25]- Google searches gave no solid information about her illness
- [19:35]- Grieving the old Whitney and accepting changes
- [34:00]- Asking for help and being honest
- [35:57]- On allowing herself to mourn and then driving the purposeful living
- [38:39]- Whitney shares what her group is about
Connect with Whitney
- Website: thewhitneywest.com
- Email: info@thewhitneywest.com
- Instagram: com/thewhitneywest
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thewhitneywest
- Other: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=17012988
This episode is brought to you by our supportive, informative, and complimentary Grief Crusader Community. Join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GriefCrusader
Recommended Resources
- To learn more about Redefining Grief: http://herdynemercier.com
- To advertise on the podcast: herdyne@mercierwellness.com
- For questions about booking or sponsoring the podcast: info@mercierwellness.com
- To schedule a consultation: https://calendly.com/mercier-wellness/consultation or http://herdynemercier.com/contact-me/
- To check out all our past episodes: http://herdynemercier.com/#podcast
Social Media
Podcast Hashtag: #RedefiningGrief #TheChiefGriefCrusader #HerdyneMercier #MercierWellness #Grief
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/herdynemercier/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HERDYNEMERCIER
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/herdynemercierlcsw
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/herdyne
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/herdyne-mercier-lcsw-chief-grief-crusader-6050aa72/

Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Ebony Tutora: Pain into Purpose
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Ebony Tutora
Episode Introduction
As kids, our instinctual intelligence guided us when understanding right and wrong. We knew it when something was not right, we could sense danger and steer clear from it. What happens to that instinctive light as we grow older? Why does it get so clouded that you find yourself afar from the truth? Ebony Tutora is a revolutionary thinker and creator who emerged out through the darkest of times to become the best version of herself.
Ebony joins us on this episode of the Redefining Grief podcast, to talk right everything that needs to be about shielding from the truth in the most disheartening times. She also elaborates on why it is important to view your grief experiences as a learning journey and repeat healthy everyday habits that help heal. Listen in to experience the magic of the conversation for yourself!
Ebony experienced a fair share of childhood trauma- from having a chaotic household with a drug-addicted father, and living month-to-month on public assistance, she saw it all. When 15, Ebony got into a relationship with a guy from Ghana who was 10 years older. It had been an extremely violent relationship that ended with her being raped and held hostage. She kept going back to her abusive boyfriend: it was like a vicious cycle until she took some time to learn about it for herself. She dated him for over 3 years before breaking up with him finally. This experience had Ebony learn a major life lesson- You have to trust your instincts and face the truth.
All this childhood trauma finally led her to this wake-up call and she found that the right books made their way into her hands. Being open to the ways of the universe, God began showing her the path. Ebony narrates a life-changing experience that is not just exciting, but also mystical. When she was in New York City, she met a guy on the train she was traveling on. He sat next to her and whispered in her ear- “You are beautiful, beautiful in your soul”. And ended with, “You should go to Church”. And she did. But she was never able to find him there. Never. Later she talked to a person who sees angels, and she said, “That’s who he was, an angel.”
Repeating everyday healthy habits and doing necessary things to heal every day or, you know, in a way that is intentional can make all the difference in the world.
About Our Guest
Ebony Tutora is a revolutionary thinker and creator. Her purpose and passion are to share her truth authentically via transformational Life Coaching so that others who have faced the same struggles can be inspired to know there is hope. With a passion to teach about self-worth, and finding it so we can find our purpose; she has done this through her empowerment brand Queens Recognize Queens®. Giving others a platform to gain clarity around who they are, by encouraging them to harness the divinity within. Ebony specializes in holistic coaching, one on one, and her mission is to globally impact and uplift 1 million women and girls by encouraging them to love themselves and one another, heal, and walk boldly and courageously into a lifelong goal of becoming the best version of themselves.
Episode Quotes
- “If you have a belief that you shouldn't experience storms, you have no wisdom.” - Ebony [8:03]
- “If you continue to look for the light in your storm, the day is just going to get brighter and brighter.” - Herdyne [18:10]
- “Wisdom has taught me that I need to learn to surrender because I cannot control every waking hour. “- Ebony [30:29]
- “Sometimes, growing means pruning or cutting off the people that are not growing with you.” - Herdyne [39:23]
- “The inability to take wisdom, the inability to say goodbye, that inability to cut off things, people, and places that are what is creating strife in your life.” - Ebony [40:51]
Redefining Grief Pearls of Wisdom, P.O.W., Questions
- What have you learned about yourself since redefining your grief journey? [44:34]
I learned that life doesn’t happen to you. But you happen to live. Everyone has the power to change and when you share your stories with each other, you help each other heal and evolve.
- If today was your last day on earth, and you were granted five words or less? What would it be? [33:35]
Turn your pain into power.
- During your hard times, what's that one song that just gets you through? [35:48]
Tasha Cobbs – For Your Glory
Episode Time-Stamps
- [10:35] – Ebony shares her life story with us
- [19:12] – Ebony reinforces how examining the truth is the only way to gain liberation from your grief
- [25:04] – How to release your grief
- [27:49] – Wisdom is not solidified ideas, but a current. You need to catch the wave.
- [34:29] – Ebony shares a miraculous story
- [42:22] – How to turn your pain into power
Reference Links
- YouTube link to Ebony’s favorite song:
- Book:
Connect with Ebony
- Website: https://www.queensrecognizequeens.com/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ebony-tutora-358608149
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/QueensRecognizeQueens/photos/
This episode is brought to you by our supportive, informative, and complimentary Grief Crusader Community. Join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GriefCrusader
Recommended Resources
- To learn more about Redefining Grief: http://herdynemercier.com
- To advertise on the podcast: herdyne@mercierwellness.com
- For questions about booking or sponsoring the podcast: info@mercierwellness.com
- To schedule a consultation: https://calendly.com/mercier-wellness/consultation or http://herdynemercier.com/contact-me/
- To check out all our past episodes: http://herdynemercier.com/#podcast
Social Media
Podcast Hashtag: #RedefiningGrief #TheChiefGriefCrusader #HerdyneMercier #MercierWellness #Grief
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/herdynemercier/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HERDYNEMERCIER
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/herdynemercierlcsw
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/herdyne
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/herdyne-mercier-lcsw-chief-grief-crusader-6050aa72/

Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Faith Anchor: The Prayer
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Do you find it hard to communicate with your creator? Do you not know what to say? Maybe you are at a place in your heartbreak that the prayers of others are providing you strength. In today's episode, Herdyne will be praying for The Grief Crusader Community.
This episode is brought to you by our supportive, informative, and complimentary Grief Crusader Community.
Join here https://www.facebook.com/groups/GriefCrusader
Recommended Resources
To learn more about Redefining Grief: http://herdynemercier.com
To advertise on the podcast: herdyne@mercierwellness.com
For questions about booking or sponsoring the podcast: info@mercierwellness.com
To schedule a consultation: https://calendly.com/mercier-wellness/consultation or
To check out all our past episodes: http://herdynemercier.com/#podcast
Social Media
Podcast Hashtag: #RedefiningGrief #TheChiefGriefCrusader #HerdyneMercier #MercierWellness #Grief
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/herdynemercier/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HERDYNEMERCIER
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/herdyne
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Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Healing Requires Action
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Healing Requires Action - Herdyne Mercier
Episode Introduction
Battling your way out through grief requires you to take action. It is the little things that help you build the muscles to take up more significant things, which applies in the context of healing also.
Start by not feeling comfortable with your grief and pain. It is not normal. Don't coddle it like a baby. Be vulnerable to pain. Face the truth, however terrible it feels. If you find yourself suffering right now, it's time for you to take action.
Listen in to the few tips I share with you today that could help you in your healing-
- Have a vision- know that healing is possible. No matter how dark your days are, there is going to be a healing light. I am not saying you will not cry or experience
pain, but on the other side of that pain lies a life worth living. - Have small, exciting healing goals- goals that even scare you a little. Celebrate when you fulfill them. Have smarter goals- make sure that you can measure them, that you're able to time them out, and that they are relevant.
- Embrace counsel and new knowledge.
It's time for you to make a commitment to yourself. To really understand that you are worthy. Take action.
I have been hurt in so many ways that now I wish to support other people going through their own grief and suffering. Listen to the episode as I share my learnings through life with you!
Episode Quotes
● “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result” Herdyne [6:55]
● “We are so used to being comfortable with our pain that it is uncomfortable to heal.” - Herdyne [8:57]
● “Your healing requires you to allow your spirit to be vulnerable to experience the pain so that you can heal.” - Herdyne [10:15]
● “On the other side of that pain is waiting for you is a life worth living.” - Herdyne [12:38]
● “You're going to be able like you're gonna feel free to breathe because you are betting on you.”– Herdyne [22:24]
Episode Time-Stamps
● [04:32] – Healing requires action
● [13:28] – Starting with a vision
● [14:48] – Making small, exciting healing goals
● [19:09] – Understanding that you are worthy of restoration
● [21:26] – Commitment to healing
This episode is brought to you by our supportive, informative, and complimentary Grief Crusader Community. Join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GriefCrusader
Recommended Resources
● To learn more about Redefining Grief: http://herdynemercier.com
● To advertise on the podcast: herdyne@mercierwellness.com
● For questions about booking or sponsoring the podcast: info@mercierwellness.com
● To schedule a consultation: https://calendly.com/mercier-wellness/consultation or
● To check out all our past episodes: http://herdynemercier.com/#podcast
Social Media
Podcast Hashtag: #RedefiningGrief #TheChiefGriefCrusader #HerdyneMercier #MercierWellness #Grief
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/herdynemercier/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HERDYNEMERCIER
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/herdynemercierlcsw
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/herdyne

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
New Year, Same Grief: Take Action Today.
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
New Year, Same Grief - Herdyne Mercier
Episode Introduction
This new year, let us all take that step forward to redefining grief. You know that healing requires you to take action and make informed decisions. The pain may have been around for so long that we really do not know what to do with it. Though it might feel normal, know that it should not.
Today, I want you to explore this thing I call Actively Healing to Live. Listen to the episode today as I address our 5 grief anchors once again to help you live the best lives ever.
A few tips to help you in your grief journey-
- See healing on your calendar- journal writings, church podcasts, and faith sermons could help. Learn to sit in silence and deal with your inner thoughts.
- Identify your healing community- supportive, accountable individuals who don’t judge you. These are the people who create that safe space for you. Make sure you are not bottling up emotions that make you emotionally stagnant. Experience all of it and live a purposeful life.
- Educate yourself- Know that healing requires you to be uncomfortable. There will be good days and bad days. Though it would be a roller-coaster ride of emotions, stay committed to yourself. You’ll then reach restoration.
Your emotional health requires you to share your tears and embrace those emotions that come with them. Always remember that although your heart is broken, you are not broken.
Episode Quotes
- “My model this year is really exploring this thing called actively healing to live.”- Herdyne [5:28]
- “Your healing, your grief; is just like your DNA, it is unique to you.”- Herdyne [10:47]
- “Healing requires you to be uncomfortable” - Herdyne [12:03]
- “Get to that place where you feel emotionally healthy enough to share the tears and embrace the emotions that come with it.” – Herdyne [12:40]
- “Your heart might be broken, but you are not broken.“-Herdyne [13:18]
Episode Time-Stamps
- [3:19] – The five anchors of grief
- [5:23] – Active healing
- [7:48] – Tips for active healing
- [12:28] – Place of restoration
This episode is brought to you by our supportive, informative, and complimentary Grief Crusader Community. Join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GriefCrusader
Recommended Resources
- To learn more about Redefining Grief: http://herdynemercier.com
- To advertise on the podcast: herdyne@mercierwellness.com
- For questions about booking or sponsoring the podcast: info@mercierwellness.com
- To schedule a consultation: https://calendly.com/mercier-wellness/consultation or http://herdynemercier.com/contact-me/
- To check out all our past episodes: http://herdynemercier.com/#podcast
Social Media
Podcast Hashtag: #RedefiningGrief #TheChiefGriefCrusader #HerdyneMercier #MercierWellness #Grief
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/herdynemercier/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HERDYNEMERCIER
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/herdynemercierlcsw
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/herdyne
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/herdyne-mercier-lcsw-chief-grief-crusader-6050aa72/

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Sean Rodgers: Men Cry Too
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Sean Rodgers
Episode Introduction
Our society has forever seen crying or expressing grief to be a sign of weakness. And men are expected to not cry or let out their feelings even if everything around them is falling. Why does it have to be that way? Why do we not see that men have emotions too?
Join me on this episode of Redefining Grief as I welcome Sean Rodgers, who’s a dear friend of mine and also a successful entrepreneur. He owns Response- Marketing and Mailing, a print fulfillment and direct mail advertising company where he helps clients grow their business, and has been passionate about helping others since 2008.
It seems Sean has always had activism and leadership in his blood. Back in school, his best friend was called stupid and dumb one day by his then teacher. Hurt and furious at this, he went on the break and asked everyone in the class not to attend the classes that day. Surprisingly, all 75-100 students did not enter the class! The school authorities called his mother and she prayed he should not land into trouble for his leader-like or activist nature. He found it very difficult since then to get the real him outside.
After school, he had to face the death of his grandfather who was one of the most important people in his life. He taught Sean how to be a man and was his support system. His demise made him all the more rebellious and he reached a point where he resented everything. He resented everyone, even his mother. He was adept at proving to be someone he is not, to everybody around him.
All this ended up with him going to jail in Oklahoma City. Despite the fact that he had never been in any trouble, never had a record, never did anything wrong, this happened. And they gave him 90 years for drug possession. How then did he get out if it? How did God bestow his grace upon him? Tune in to the episode today to learn the entire story of revival.
Sean surrendered himself to God entirely. He says, if you are not going be what you’re destined to, you're blocking everything that God wants you to do. “You're missing your purpose. You're missing your calling.”
About Our Guest
Sean Rodgers is a charismatic entrepreneur who is passionate about serving others since 2008. He owns Response- Marketing and Mailing, a print fulfillment and direct mail advertising company where he helps clients grow their business. As a business owner, he realized there is some freedom that comes with being a business owner. He volunteers and helps fatherhood projects by mentoring young men at the juvenile detention center. He helped young men's fathers facing life sentences acknowledge and accept their role and responsibilities in their children's lives. In addition to leading men, Sean, also with his wife, mentors premarital and newlywed couples to help them build the foundation of their marriage. They are in the process of launching Steadfast Love with the Rogers, a semi annual retreat for couples married less than five years. Sean has also been featured in a documentary called Real Men Don't.
Episode Quotes
- “At the end of the day, if you don't decide to deal with your heartbreak and your emotions, it will deal with you. Period.” - Herdyne [15:46]
- “It is like I never shed a tear to release. Crying is releasing sometimes. I never released.” - Sean [20:34]
- “When I start releasing the tears when I start to cry, I start coming out of some things I started realizing, you are just not crying for your mama, you're crying because of your grandpa, you’re crying for past hurt, you’re crying for what happened in your life, how you got stagnated.“- Sean [22:42]
- “Find somebody that you trust and you love that you can just listen. Learn how to cry.” - Sean [39:52]
- “I needed to rest in him. I needed to settle down again in him.” - Sean [44:29]
Redefining Grief Pearls of Wisdom, P.O.W., Questions
- What have you learned about yourself since redefining your grief journey? [46:55]
I'm dynamic and not scared. What God has informed me no more, I have done that.
- If today was your last day on earth, and you were granted five words or less? What would it be? [47:59]
Love. Love yourself. Get we get lost in that love for yourself. Because it's easier to love somebody else.
- During your hard times, what's that one song that just gets you through? [49:34]
Kirk Franklin and pastor TD Jakes- 911.
Episode Time-Stamps
- [02:40] – About Mr. Sean Rodgers
- [07:25] – Know Sean’s truth
- [18:21] – How Sean felt when his grandfather passed away
- [25:11] – What did it look like pulling himself out of the fire?
- [42:20] – How he got to restoration
Reference Links
- YouTube link to Sean’s favorite song:
Kirk Franklin and pastor TD Jakes- 911.
Connect with Sean
- Website: https://responsemm.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/r.steadfastlove/
This episode is brought to you by our supportive, informative, and complimentary Grief Crusader Community. Join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GriefCrusader
Recommended Resources
- To learn more about Redefining Grief: http://herdynemercier.com
- To advertise on the podcast: herdyne@mercierwellness.com
- For questions about booking or sponsoring the podcast: info@mercierwellness.com
- To schedule a consultation: https://calendly.com/mercier-wellness/consultation or http://herdynemercier.com/contact-me/
- To check out all our past episodes: http://herdynemercier.com/#podcast
Social Media
Podcast Hashtag: #RedefiningGrief #TheChiefGriefCrusader #HerdyneMercier #MercierWellness #Grief
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/herdynemercier/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HERDYNEMERCIER
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/herdynemercierlcsw
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/herdyne
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/herdyne-mercier-lcsw-chief-grief-crusader-6050aa72/

Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Paul Mompremier: From Boy To A Man
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Paul Mompremier
Episode Introduction
Paul Mompremier joins us on this episode of Redefining Grief and walks us through his struggles of growing up with a father who hasn’t always been the most supportive. He also talks about his books and tells us his key mantra in life.
Paul is an author, a model, a motivational speaker, and a truly intelligent person. He talks about his past experiences in the podcast and also sheds light on how this will affect his parenting style in the future. We’ll be getting to know about his latest book ‘The Gentlemen Code’ in this episode too. This episode is a reflection of his struggles in life and how he hustled hard enough to overcome them.
As a young man who decided that although he didn't have a guide, he was going to do what he needed to do to emotionally show up in his life. Although he may have made mistakes in his life, he said that wasn’t any excuse for him not becoming a man. Paul for brought up by his mother alone and met his real father only when he was 26. He constantly missed his presence on various occasions and moments.
Paul hated his mother back then. He felt she was keeping him away from his father. This caused him more emotional issues and he went doing heavy cardio and workout so he could distract himself.
Paul shares that ever since he stepped into the healing journey, he prays to a higher power. He does not prejudge anyone that believes in any religion because that religion has maybe helped them or saved them through dark times.
He explains the three most important “P”s in his life- Patience, persistence, and Prayer. Paul says you can't control the world and when you go outside, you don't control everything that's around you. So being patient is a very important piece.
A lot of people dream big while a lot of people dream small. But if you're not persistent in working towards your goals, and achieving everything that you want to live, you will fail. So persistence is another thing that you can apply to your life.
Tune in and learn how Paul practices self-love in little forms every day!
About Our Guest
Paul Mompremier is a motivational speaker, an author, and a model. He has authored two books, Prince Motivation: How a boy became a man, and Gentleman Code: Be a prospect, not a suspect.
Episode Quotes
- “Life is this delicate balance of embracing the good times, and the bad times, the happy times, and those times that are sad, so that we can really have what I believe is emotional well, being that peace, that joy, that sorrow, all of it is a makeup of our DNA, our emotional DNA of making us who we are.” - Paul[10:38]
- “I also feel that I will not judge, I would not prejudge anyone that believes in any religion because that religion has maybe helped them or saved them through dark times.” - Paul [14:57]
- “You can't control the world when you go outside. You don't control everything that's around you. So being patient is a very important piece“- Paul [17:40]
Redefining Grief Pearls of Wisdom, P.O.W., Questions
- What have you learned about yourself since redefining your grief journey? [32:03]
Let go of whatever is holding you back. Let it go
- If today was your last day on earth, and you were granted five words or less? What would it be? [34:13]
Prayer, patience, and persistence are key.
- During your hard times, what's that one song that just gets you through? [34:58]
Great man by Kevin Gates.
Episode Time-Stamps
- [06:31] – What is your truth?
- [08:32] – About his book
- [14:54] – The 3 important Ps and prayer in detail
- [17:00] – Patience
- [19:48] – Persistence
- [24:11] - What he is doing for his mental health today
Reference Links
- YouTube link to Paul’s favorite song:
- Book:
Prince Motivation: How a boy became a man without guidance.
Gentleman Code: Be a prospect, not a suspect.
Connect with Paul
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-mompremier-21a058137
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/princepaul954/?hl=en
This episode is brought to you by our supportive, informative, and complimentary Grief Crusader Community. Join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GriefCrusader
Recommended Resources
- To learn more about Redefining Grief: http://herdynemercier.com
- To advertise on the podcast: herdyne@mercierwellness.com
- For questions about booking or sponsoring the podcast: info@mercierwellness.com
- To schedule a consultation: https://calendly.com/mercier-wellness/consultation or http://herdynemercier.com/contact-me/
- To check out all our past episodes: http://herdynemercier.com/#podcast
Social Media
Podcast Hashtag: #RedefiningGrief #TheChiefGriefCrusader #HerdyneMercier #MercierWellness #Grief
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/herdynemercier/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HERDYNEMERCIER
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/herdynemercierlcsw
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/herdyne
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/herdyne-mercier-lcsw-chief-grief-crusader-6050aa72/